This year’s first bundle comes from . The so called January 2016 Mac Bundle contains 10 apps at a price of $15 only. The apps usually cost $275 altogether, so you can save around 94%. The bundle will probably be available for a couple of weeks.
The following apps are included in the January 2016 Mac Bundle:
Espionage 3 (29,99$)
lets you encrypt folders and files.
Manuscripts ($40)
is a writing tool for complex texts.
Photo Scissors ($20)
lets you cut out background images.
mSecure (19,99$)
is a tool for managing passwords.
Labels & Adresses ($49.95)
lets you create labels and envelopes.
Calendar 366 Plus ($5)
is a calendar for your menu bar.
PhotoStitcher ($19,99)
creates panorama views.
RoboPostman ($20)
allows you to custom tailor messages to include dynamic content specific to each recipient
RoboForm Everywhere ($20)
is a password manager tool similar to 1Password and comes with a 1 year subscription.
Elite Keylogger Pro ($49)
discretely tracks passwords and keystrokes and monitors all your computer activities.