The latest bundle comes this time from StackSocial. The so called Mac to the Future Bundle contains 8 apps and is available for $29,99. The first 5.000 buyers receive the OS X & Web Development Course Bundle on top. The bundle worth $961 offers savings of 96%. It will be available until the 3rd of november.
Here are the apps included in the Mac to the Future Bundle:
AfterShot Pro 2 ($100)
supports your photo workflow by creating a searchable library.
Fantastical (20$)
Fantastical adds a very nice calendar to your Mac.
Disk Drill Pro ($99)
is a software for data recovery.
Ember ($50)
allows you easyily capturing and organizing your screenshots.
Lucid ($53)
enhances your homepages by additional effects and content like Google Maps.
skEdit ($30)
is an HTML editor.
Capo 3 (30$)
is the winner of the Apple Design Awards 2011 and helps you to analyse iTunes songs in regard of chords.
Anonymizer ($80)
offers privacy security and protection for 12 months.