After publishing the latest bundle in june, has now published its new Productive Macs Bundle. The bundle comes with 7 apps at a price of 29,99$. That means savings of around 85%.
Here is a short summary of the included apps:
Default Folder X (34,95$)
adds a tool bar to the right screen for a faster access to your folders and commandos.
Circus Ponies NoteBook (50$)
lets you add audio files to your notes.
Keyboard Maestro
is a tool that switches short cuts into predefined words or sentences.
Trickster (10$)
is a productive booster which gives you fast access to the last documents and files you used.
FX Photo Studio Pro (39$)
is an awarded tool for photo editing. Like in Photoshop you can work in different layers and you can add numerous filters.
Vitamin-R (39,99$)
is a productivity tool.
Numeric Notes (10$)
is a calculation tool with easy share options.