MacLegion also announced its Summer Mini Bundle. It contains up to 6 apps for just 29,99$, which equals savings of up to 80%. The first 2,000 buyers will also get Digital Sentry on top. The bundle will probably be available until the 12th of august.
Here ist the summary of the 6 apps:
xLine (66$)
is a mindmapping tool, that visualises your thoughts.
Paperless (50$)
lets you digitally store your documents in an IRS accepted way. It helps you to spot you documents easily.
Chronicle (14,99$)
is a finance tool for bill management.
iGlasses (19,95$)
adjusts your webcam and offers numerous effects for iChat, Skype, Google Talk and Facebook Chat.
Snapheal (19,99$)
is an simple but impressing photo editor.
Digital Sentry ($19.95) – for the first 2,000 buyers only
protects your system from unwanted access and data theft.