[button type=”link” link=”http://appsgonemad.com/nov” size=”btn-medium” variation=”btn-primary”]go to the Bundle page[/button]
AppsGoneMad just published its latest bundle which comes for a very low price at only $9.99. The AppsGoneMad Bundle includes 5 apps and 1.000 fonts altogether worth $220. The highlights are FX Photo Studio Pro and MacCleanse which alone justify already the price of $9.99 as they cost both more than $20 each. If you tweet or share the bundle on facebook, you will receive two additional apps on top for free. Even if you don’t buy the bundle, you will get both just for sharing. The bundle will probably be available until the 26th of november.
The following apps are included in the AppsGoneMad Bundle:
FX Photo Studio Pro ($22.99)
is an awarded tool for photo editing. Like in Photoshop you can work in different layers and you can add numerous filters.
Tembo ($15.00)
is a quick finder for files.
MacCleanse ($29.95)
erases cache, histories, cookies, logs, etc.
Color Strokes ($4.99)
this photo editor lets you highlight colored parts in black and white photos.
TubeConverter ($29.99)
lets you download and stream videos from sites like YouTube, Vimeo, Bing, etc.
If you tweet the bundle, you will receive:
Arise ($19.00)
is a scheduling tool for repeating tasks.
If you share the bundle on facebook, you’ll get on top:
Portrait Painter ($9.99)
transforms your pictures into paintings.