Bundlehunt just created a new type of Bundle. The so called Unlock Your Mac Bundle starts with a basic price of 7$ and at least 1 app at a price of 1$. If you want to have more apps, you can just add additional for reduced prices of $1 to $3.50. So your bundle can consist of one or numerous apps just like you want it, resulting in a minimum price of $8. You can also buy additional licences of the same product. The bundle lets you save up to hundreds of dollars and will probably be available until the mid of december.
The Unlock Your Mac Bundle contains the following apps:
Virus Barrier X9
is one of the leading antivir softwares for Mac
NetBarrier X9
secures your Mac from network attacks.
Paragon NTFS für Mac ($19.95)
offers full read and write access to the windows partition under Mac OS X.
Paragon Hard Disk Manager ($39.95)
is a tool to manage your hard disk.
Washing Machine X9 ($29.99)
cleans your Mac from unnecessary data which has come with surfing the web.
Flux 7 ($99.99)
the highly awarded App Flux 6 is a software for developping HMTL 5 websites.
AfterShot Pro 3 ($79.99)
efficiently converts RAW files, allowing you to seamlessly upload, edit, and manage high quality photos without any damage
Mac Data Recovery Guru ($79)
is a leading software recovery tool.
Backup Guru ($29)
creates backups from files and folders.
Snapheal CK ($49.99)
is an simple but impressing photo editor that comes in the professional version.