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Big Holiday macOS Bundle from Bundlehunt – up to 54 apps starting from $4.5

this is a screenshot of the Big Holiday macOS bundle


Alongside to the permanent Bundlehunt offers, the  just published its new unlock bundle for MAC only. The so called Big Holiday macOS Bundle let’s you choose among 54 apps and lets you add as many adds you want for prices between $1 to $7 per app. Right now, the unlock price is only $3. We expect it to rise within the days to come. 

So this is your chance to get one app at a basic price of just $4.50. If you want to buy more apps, just add an additional application for only $1 to $7 per item. Your bundle can consist of 1 or up to 54 apps. If you need more than one license, you can buy multiple licenses for most of the  applications. 


We like the most apps such as: GarageSale, Macpilot, Tumult Hype, Duplicate Finder and Network Radar


Unlock bundles are famous for letting you save heaps of money. Most of the time it is even cheaper to buy several apps instead of buying one app alone at the normal price. As always, the Bundlehunt bundles are available for several weeks. We expect it to last until the end of the year. 


With an unlock price of only $4.50, Bundlehunt offers each app with a very high discount. It is up to you to check out which apps you really need and you might make your personal bargain.


Here is a list of all included apps:
$5.50 Tumult Hype
$5 GarageSale
$3 Network Radar
$1.50 StartMenu
$1.50 Dmmenu
$2 MacPilot
$2 Shredo
$2 MacClean 360
$2 Rocket Typist
$2 DmTrans
$2 Script Fonts
$2 Doyourdata Super Eraser
$2.50 Appuninser for Mac
$2.50 Doyourclone for Mac
$2.50 Integrity Plus
$2.50 Donemax Data Eraser
$2.50 Fix my iPhone
$2.50 Omni Remover
$3 PDF Squeezer
$3 Filepane
$3 Wattagio
$3 Donemax Data Recovery
$3 Do your data recovery for
$3 DMclone
$3 Watermark Plus – Lifetime License
$3 Duplicate Finde – Lifetime
$3 Omni Recover
$3.50 PicGif – Lifetime License
$3.50 Spotless
$3.50 Syncbird Pro
$4 Mailtobotic
$4 Pulltube
$4 Picture Collage Maker – Lifetime License
$4 Tumult Whisk
$4 Integrity Pro
$4 CollageIt – Lifetime License
$4.50 Mosaic Pro
$4.50 Magallery Creator
$4.50 Separation Studo
$4.50 Mawatermarker
$4.50 Pixels Draw Pro
$5 App Tamer
$5 Whatsize
$5 Centurion
$5 Piqtility
$5 PDF Converter OCR
$5 MacCleanes – Lifetime License
$5 MaScriptRunner
$5 Scrutinity
$5 Data Recover 6
$5.50 MockGo
$5.50 Pro
$6 PDC Chef
$7 Sketch Fashion

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