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EXPIRED – The new MacUpdate Bundle with 12 Apps for $25 – 90% savings

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After a long time, MacUpdate finally launched a new app bundle. The so called MacUpdate bundle worth $255 contains 12 apps at a price of only $25. One half of the apps has already appeared in earlier bundles. The other half consists of apps which are included for the first time in bundles. You can save up to 90% compared to the original prices.

Here is an overview over the included apps:

is a beautiful journal for your mac which works a bit like a diary.

Habits (20$)
documents your daily habits ;-) quite an exotic tool.

MoneyBag (60$)
manages your finances.

Tasksbox (24.99$)
is a ToDo-List tool which offers cloud synchronisation.

Time Tracker
is a time tracking tool which gives shows the time spent for different tasks.

manages your social media activities.

shows weather updates on your desktop and via menu bar access.

is a note taking app.

enhances the perfomance of your desktop by creating intelligent folders.

is a simply text editor.

is an app for writing down your wishes.

Quick Desktop
closes all the windows on a desktop with a single click.

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