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EXPIRED – The New Appy Fridays Lifestyle Bundle with up to 4 apps for just 10,99$

As every week, Appy Fridays published its latest bundle. The so called Lifestyle Bundle contains 3 Apps at a price of just 10,99$ and is available for a week. You can save up to 90% compared to the normal prices of the tools. The first 1,000 buyers also get the tool Axiom Basic for free.

Here is a short description of the included apps:

Ensoul Contacts (9,99$)
gives you the opportunity to cut out elements from your pictures and place them into your contacts c.e. as the caller picture of your iPhone.

HDR Darkroom 2 (59,99$)
is a photo editing app.

MiJournal (11,99$)
is a diary with drag and drop features.

Axiom Basic (13,99$) – only for the first 1,000 buyers
is a vehicle information system which lets your iOS devices become the information systems in your car by playing music, visualising weather etc. in an easy and safe way that does not let you get distracted from driving.

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