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EXPIRED – The Cisdem Mac Productivity Bundle with 4 apps for $29! Save 65%!

The latest bundle from StackSocial contains 4 apps which haven’t been included in bundles before. The so called Cisdem Mac Productivity Bundle contains the apps DuplicateFinder for Mac, AppCrypt Password Protection, Window Manager and BetterUnarchiver for Mac for $29. That means savings of 65% compared to the normal price of $85. The bundle will probably be available until the end of january.

The Cisdem Mac Productivity Bundle contains the following apps:

DuplicateFinder for Mac ($29.99)
detects duplicate folders and files.

AppCrypt Password Protection ($24.99)
helps you protecting the passwords on your Mac.

Window Manager ($14.99)
is a tool for managing your windows sizes.

BetterUnarchiver for Mac ($14.99)
quickly unzips files.

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