Paddle just presented its latest pay-what-you-want bundle. The so called 2014 Variety Mac Bundle contains up to 10 Apps at your own defined price. If you pay more than the so far paid average, you will get all the 10 apps. The bundle will be available until the 30th of january.
Here is a short overview over the apps:
AirFile (4,99$)
is a tool for managing multiple cloud accounts such as multiple dropbox, box or google drive accounts.
lets 64-bit apps run in a memory optimized 32bit-mode.
Sleep No More (1,99$)
keeps your mac away from switching to idle mode at your own defined time frame.
StampReady (18,99$)
is a newsletter editor for the Apple Mac.
Flame Painter 2 (29,99$)
is a painting app.
Duplicate Annihilator (iPhoto) (12,99$)
finds duplicated photos.
Airy (20$)
lerts you download YouTube videos.
MenuBar ReArranger 2 (9,99$)
lets you configure the menu bar.
is an easy read-only app for showing the photostream pictures.
Keycard (6,99$)
secures your Mac from unwanted access.