Here it comes and it seems to be one of the hottest bundles of the year. The so called Parallels Power Bundle contains full versions of Parallels 11 and 1Password. Both apps justify the bundle price alone of 79,99$. In addition to this, you will receive another 8 apps worth a total of around $350. The savings are around 87%. In case you own already Parallels 10, you can buy the bundle also for a upgrade price of $49.99. It is not mentioned how long the bundle will be available so you better hurry up.
The Parallels Power Bundle includes the following apps:
Parallels 11 ($79.99)
is THE windows virtual machine. Parallels 11 also supports Mac OS X El Capitan and is an attractive tool, if you are using both windows and Mac OS X.
1Password ($49.95)
is the best app for storing your passwords.
Kaspersky for Mac ($59.99)
is one of the leading antivir tools for the Apple Mac.
Parallels Access ($19.99)
gives you a 1-year-subscription for a remote access to your system.
CleanMyMac 3 ($39.99)
is a system tool which enhances the performance of your Mac.
PDF Expert ($59.99)
lets you edit and comment your PDFs. According to Apple it is the App of the year runner-up 2015.
Hider 2 ($19.99)
hides and encrypts files and folder with just one click.
PDF Office for iPad ($39.99)
is a pdf editor for the iPad.