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EXPIRED – AppyFridays Super Productive Bundle with up to 4 apps for just 10,99$

As promised last week, AppyFridays publishes its bundles on a weekly basis. They just presented the latest bundle that like last week includes up to 4 apps.

The so called AppyFridays Super Productive Bundle at a price of just 10,99$ contains 3 apps and is available until the 29th of august. The fist 1,000 buyers will also get the app File2Folder on top.

Here is a shortview over the apps:

MoneyWiz (25$)
manages your finances.

Fast Toggles (9,99$)
is a collection of useful toggles for the dock or launchpad.

MSecure (19,99$)
is a tool for managing passwords.

File2Folder (5,99$) – – only for the first 1,000 buyers
sorts, copy and moves hundreds of files with a single click by predefines rules.

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