Fallout 76 passage tips - main tasks # 003
Fallout 76

New assemblies brought new quests and events, as well as voices behind the scenes recorded on holographic records.

There are also no psychedelic malfunctions, because of which some locations would be simply non-playful. However, after the last update, the game is continuous pleasure. I invite you to Hide on Fallout 76.

Test it yourself, otherwise don't perish

You start almost from scratch. Zero objects and all statistics at the first level. The PVP option will begin only after reaching the fifth level. At first you are also in relative safety. At first it is better not to worry, traveling in random directions to the other end of the card. You can be disappointed. It is better not to rack your head in the east, because it is very dangerous there. To the north of the refuge 76 can still be survived, although the barren territory of Grafton is still too large for starters.

In the West there is nothing special to see, but you won’t find Hekatomb there. Better to go south. But traveling cannot be overdoing - it means that we are going far south. Whit -Pringing should be the last stop on your way to the east. You must be careful there, but if it is not lower than 20 levels, just go around the area that I wrote about earlier, because the enemies will not allow you to go through the east and south of Whitspring. The equipment that you still purchased will literally break, and you will probably lose the rest of the ammunition.

You can create ammunition, weapons, armor, medicines and food in a very beautiful craft version that was improved by Bethesde from the third part of the game. At first, you will probably collect all the garbage that you will see. This will probably lead to the fact that when you approach the 30th level, you will have to selectively select garbage for processing.

The lack of plans for a specific craft position may be problematic. If so, you will be forced to set up the camp next to a certain craft station or will be left at the discretion of other players in their camps. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

You will meet very different people. Some will be friendly and will feel the atmosphere of a common idea that guides the residents of the 76 shelter, that is, the struggle to restore post -core Appallah mountains. You will also meet players who are no different from a predatory crowd killed by Scorched and Super Mutants. In nature, nothing is lost. In Apallach there is a place for everyone, but the servers are quite empty. Also be careful when meeting with the player. We finally updated our 1xSlots casino review on our website. Now you can find current information about bonuses.
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