How to care for the body during pregnancy
When a woman under the head wears a baby, the internal changes that occur with her body, on its appearance cannot not affect. Also changes the condition of the skin. They become more dry, sensitive, rash, pigment spots, redness appear on it. From all this the face of a woman, and all her body - on the chest, abdomen, hips appear stretch marks, cellulite. I need to start to care for your body at the end of the first trimester when the surrounding people have not yet notice the external signs of pregnancy. The main problem zones are breasts, belly, hips. If pigment stains appeared on the body of the future mother, then it needs to be used by special whitening creams that are safe women safe. To date, there are innovative funds, helping to fight stains, pregnant women should not be neglected.
To breast and after childbirth, it remains elastic, so that she does not lose their form, then a woman needs to be careful for her. In order for the muscle tone supporting the chest, preserved, a pregnant woman needs to take a contrasting shower, which should be directed to the zone of neckline. In the hot season, this area needs to be protected from the effects of sunlight. For this purpose, you need to use a tan cream. As a rule, in future mothers increases the size of the chest. When a woman picks up a bra, she should take this into account, her body underwear should not compress. Also, the future mother should use special creams and gels, helping to care for skin chest. As part of such funds there are natural ingredients that have vegetable origins. They are needed for regeneration, as well as increasing the elasticity of fibers. Apply cream you need easy movements.
Sometimes pregnant women on the hips appear cellulite. This is due to the growth of the fetus, an increase in its weight, stretching the skin of a woman. If there is little in the skin of elastin and collagen, there may be stretch marks on the body of the future mother. First they are purple or reddish. And after a while they start pale, but still remain quite noticeable. They will not get rid of cosmetics.
It will be better if a woman does everything possible so that stretchings do not appear. So that skin covers do not lose their elasticity, the woman needs to perform gymnastics, which is designed specifically for pregnant women. And of course, it is important to control the state of your health from a doctor. It is necessary to check the work of the heart. You can purchase a home apparatus. To attract new customers, you should optimize GMB
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