How binary options work


How binary options work

All binary options, regardless of the pocket options type of transaction, are based on a single principle. It consists in choosing one of two options for changing the value of an asset. Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve the utmost simplicity of the trading platform interface (almost all such transactions are made online). To buy a binary option, you need to do just a few simple steps:

Select an asset.

Set the expiration time (transaction completion date).

Specify the amount of the bet.

Often, the first three parameters are set automatically or saved from previous deals. That allows you to buy a binary option by pressing one of the two buttons - CALL or PUT (in the Russian version - "up" or "down").

Choose the direction of price change - rise or fall.

In addition to choosing the direction of price changes, you need to be extremely careful about determining the asset itself, in respect of which the transaction is being made. The choice from the number of available options occurs in a special window, and it largely determines the amount of profit or loss.


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